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Giovanni Anselmo
5th August 1934 - 18th December 2023

It is an honor for us to have worked on your latest project. Console the luck of having been able to complete part of the journey together, seeking new horizons. Thank you for being our direction and bringing us closer to the stars.

27 OCT 23

14 JAN 24



Luci d'Artista reaches its 26th edition. Every year, during the winter period, the City of Turin is transformed into an open-air museum of light installations by great Italian and international artists. The Luci were born in 1998 as exceptional illuminations to celebrate the Christmas festivities, and immediately became the object of an ambitious objective: to create a public collection expressing "a high culture capable of communicating with everyone", as Fiorenzo Alfieri, its visionary creator, put it.
But every project, in order to continue to be alive, needs to evolve. This is why Luci d'Artista, starting this year, is beginning a process of mutation of its identity to become a true institution dedicated to contemporary art, one that is even more loved and known, open and sustainable, active all year round and not only during the winter months, with continuous communication with its public and a new, rich and detailed website.
— Antonio Grulli, Luci d'Artista curator